The Bitterroot Stockgrowers Association Ag Expo

The Bitterroot Stockgrowers Association Ag Expo in Hamilton, MT was a great success over two full days with the expo hall full of tractors. ATVs, agricultural vendors, classes and workshops. The event ended with a dinner attended by over 450 people and the recognition of Stevensville resident Rob Johnson with The Lifetime Achievement in Ag Award. The event also raised over $12,000 to benefit a local Darby resident who was injured on his ranch last Fall. Five FFA and 4H members were also recognized for receiving The Steer of Merit Award, which is given at the State level each year. Jan King and Rod Freeman of Montana Ranch Properties were proud supporters of the Expo again this year and had a booth illustrating their marketing services including professional photography and drown videos in promoting their ranch listings. One year old, Shep, dressed in his overalls, visited the booth with his mother. A wonderful time was had by all! Congratulations to Rob Johnson, who has been active in agriculture in the area since the early 1970’s and is truly the poster boy for this award! Brian Rouse, President of the Bitterroot Stockgrowers Association, and volunteers did a superb job of organizing the event for the community.
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