At Montana Ranch Properties, we know land, resources, and recreation. Montana Ranch Properties is a specialized division of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Montana Properties. We are the highest-ranked real estate firm in Montana. Our diverse and highly qualified brokers are located in 16 key areas throughout the state. We offer experience, expertise, credibility, and professionalism. We…

Category: Montana
Ruby Valley Meats
With ranchers having to expand and diversity to make ends meet, and with the onset of Covid making the beef supplies scarce in grocery stores, Ruby Valley Meat came to fruition in Sheridan, Montana. The 5 L Ranch expanded into the retail beef business and opened, Ruby Valley Meats, a store front to market their…
Why Pick Twin Bridges as Your Home
If you like small towns, you might want to pick Twin Bridges, Montana as your next home. With a population of 417 people, it is the 110th largest community in Montana and it is neither predominantly blue-collar nor white collar. According to, there are especially a lot of people living in Twin Bridges who…
Montana Ranch and Recreational Property Real Estate Assessment 2020
By Rod Freeman, Realtor and Member of Montana Ranch Properties, a division of BHHS Montana Properties. Montana Ranch Properties specializes in recreational, agriculture, land, and sporting properties across the state of Montana. BHHS Montana Properties is the largest volume Real Estate firm in Montana with 17 offices across Western Montana. My personal web site is…
CENTENNIAL VALLEY According to The Nature Conservancy, “The Centennial looks very much as it did more than a century ago.” This broad east-west valley is home to extensive wetlands, in fact, it is the largest wetland in the entire Yellowstone Ecosystem. Two large lakes, the Upper and Lower Red Rock Lakes dominate much of the…
Hidden Jewels
When most visitors consider visiting Montana or other western states, there are certain recreational magnets that attract the most attention – national parks such as Yellowstone or Glacier, or large Wilderness areas such as the Bob Marshall, Absaroka-Beartooth, Great Bear or the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. However tucked away across Montana are a…
History and Facts on Branding Livestock in Montana
In Montana, we rerecord livestock brands every 10 years and next year 2021, is your due date with the Montana Department of Livestock to rerecord your brand. With that in mind thought it might be of interest to know the history behind the brand. Since The practice of branding cattle is ancient. What we know…
Rules of the Road When Passing Horseback Parties and Livestock
An issue that is important for all drivers of any vehicle on Montana roads, particularly on more private county roads that connect ranches and pastures in this great state, is how to safely and with courtesy, approach horse-back riders and livestock sharing these same roads. I ride our roads periodically and am often astonished…
One of America’s Safest Homes Provides Escape and Security People Want Now
For the first time, Montana luxury homeowners open secure space and home Today’s events have shown us what is possible. No longer is the thought of a major worldwide pandemic a conspiracy theory. It is happening in real time and making people seek out safe places to ride it out. Montana has become a beacon…
We Love Where We Live!
We are starting to see lots of babies in Montana! Comment below where you’re from and if you have calves yet!