One of America’s Safest Homes Provides Escape and Security People Want Now

For the first time, Montana luxury homeowners open secure space and home
Today’s events have shown us what is possible. No longer is the thought of a major worldwide pandemic a conspiracy theory. It is happening in real time and making people seek out safe places to ride it out. Montana has become a beacon in the storm.
Those who have second homes in more remote locations in Montana, have fled to them. Those who don’t, are trying to find them. People from San Francisco and LA to New York and New Jersey are buying “secure” properties to stay safe. And, the real estate market is shifting to accommodate that need.
“Selling properties with secure spaces is a delicate balance,” according to Deb Whitcomb, managing broker for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Montana Properties in Helena, MT. “Most owners, for good reason, are reluctant to disclose these areas to anyone but well vetted buyers.” Given today’s unprecedented times, the owners of one luxury property in Montana are providing never-before-seen access to their secure space and other safety measures.
Orchard Springs Lodge ( is an exceptional 17,000± sf timber-frame home which provides the needed level of security and privacy in difficult times. The home’s design includes multiple layers of security protection including PTZ cameras with IR illumination, motion detection, and other sensors. A major component of this layered protection, although not obvious, is a well concealed but extremely luxurious, comfortable and secure 2,000± sf, 3-bedroom living space that is subsurface but quickly and easily accessible.
“This space has been created to provide a stress free, secure living environment in the event of an emergency of virtually any magnitude. The design specifications include a robust infrastructure that can withstand major physical force and any weather condition in complete comfort and safety,” Whitcomb commented.
The owner is a retired Army Special Operations member who after 20 years of active service, founded a business in the National Defense sector specializing in Antiterrorism Force Protection (ATFP) technology services for the Department of Defense, Homeland Security and Host Nation Allies. His company provides worldwide Force Protection and security services in regions that include: Southwest Asia, Latin America, Africa, East Asia, and on Maritime Vessels.
Orchard Springs Lodge was constructed to be a special home for family and friends to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the Montana outdoors. The home design and decor reflect the owners’ passion for foreign travel coupled with a focus on self-sufficiency, independence and luxury mountain living. With forward planning in mind, the owner’s decided to incorporate into the home their deep understanding of security practices using principals and techniques developed over decades of experience in the security operations sector.
Major design considerations focus on the availability and redundancies for power, water storage, heat, fuel, air handling and filtering, waste disposal, long term supply storage, concealed ingress (internal to the home) and a separate concealed egress (external to the home). The space is configured with land line communications, WiFi, internet access, home camera monitoring, security system controls, Smart TV and streaming services that include: Apple TV, Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, YouTube etc. Power redundancies include the Grid, onsite power generator and solar battery.
The home is situated on 315± acres on the high ground overlooking a sparsely populated lake set against a regional mountain range backdrop. Vehicular assess to the property is controlled and gated with intercom and electronic access pad. The property abuts an additional 325 acres which is also available to provide an additional buffer, further enhancing security and protection. Although the property is bordered primarily by Bureau of Land Management and State land, it is conveniently located 25 minutes from the nearest airport which services national carriers and includes a private jet facility.
“This unique property embodies the spirit of self-sufficiency and preparedness. This luxury home features the attributes of thoughtful planning for times like we are currently experiencing,” Whitcomb added.
Orchard Springs Lodge is offered for sale at $9,999,900.