If you live in or around the state of Montana, you know that the fall season means hunting. With general deer and elk season kicking off this past weekend on October 20th, lots of Montanans were out and about. Montana’s public lands and scenic environment provides a unique experience for hunters to get their animals….

Category: Montana
Welcome to the Trapper’s Cabin Ranch
Welcome to the Trappers Cabin Ranch This land was originally held by the Federal Government under the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and later passed on to the Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1905, the area was harvested for timber by the railroads and then in 1910, Tom Lincoln, a trapper, constructed a cabin on the ranch…
Elk Migration in the Greater Yellowstone Area
Elk migration is a vital part of the Montana ecosystem and habitat for wildlife. Elk are herbivores, meaning they eat plants. Because of them having this type of diet, they are required to migrate to areas in which they can feed. According to National Geographic (2018), “elk migrate to high mountain grazing grounds where the…
Fall Home Maintenance
Fall—When days start getting shorter and the weather a little colder. There is no better time than the fall to get maintenance done on your home. Below are some things you could do to get ready for the snowfall (it will be here before we know it!) Yard Maintenance The least favorite job for most…
The Ranch at Rock Creek
The Ranch at Rock Creek is an all-inclusive ranch lodge located just 20 miles from Phillipsburg, Montana. The ranch offers a luxurious option for travelers to explore the Montana wilderness. Rated as five-star, the Ranch at Rock Creek offers more than 20 outdoor activities, unique cuisines, and a once in a lifetime experience. The property…
Ravalli County Fair and Rocking RC Rodeo
As a member of the Ravalli County Fair Commission and the Rockin RC Rodeo equipment I wanted to take a moment to extend a sincere thank you and congratulations to all our sponsors. We couldn’t present the Rodeo without your dedication to this community and more specifically to this event. You can take great pride…
Tree Farming in Montana
A Generational, Thriving Industry Tree farming is a foreign topic to many Montanans, but it something that thrives in our state. There are over 500 tree farms in Montana, covering over 162,000 acres of forest land. This industry helps conserve important endangered species’ habitats, keep municipal water supplies healthy, and offer recreational opportunities for communities…
Why Choose Twin Bridges, Montana?
Twin Bridges, home to approximately 375 people offers an abundance of recreational amenities including hiking, biking, floating, and more. When not hiking to the hidden lakes found around the town, you could be fishing the for blue ribbon trout. The Big Hole, Beaverhead, and Ruby Rivers all converge near Twin Bridges to form the Jefferson….
The Deschamps Ranch
Located south of Frenchtown, Montana (outside of Missoula) is an agricultural oasis that has been around for over four generations. The Deschamps Ranch is one of the oldest ranches in Montana dating back to 1877 when the Deschamps family first settled in Montana. Not only is this a place for farming and vegetation, but there…
Paws Up, A Luxury Ranch Resort
An Exceptional Experience Located 35 miles from Missoula, Montana, The Resort at Paws Up provides a unique get-away for busy lifestyles. Paws Up is on a 37,000 ± acre ranch that is filled with activities ranging from riding in a chuck wagon, to experiencing fly fishing on the Blackfoot River. The resort offers a luxury…